In the Company of the JBx Women ft. Alyssa Fine
February 14 2019

When I was a little girl my role models were always the women in my life. We started this brand (The Jewelry Bx) to empower ourselves and other women to create and style the life they envision for themselves. We did not set out to only sell jewelry, we wanted to start a conversation with women about where they are going and what life are they leading in that jewelry. How does the jewelry make you feel? To that end we launched a monthly interview series on our JBx Blog called, In the Company of the JBx Women.
These are women we have been blessed to be connected to through business, family, or philanthropy. We ask the same 10 questions and are amazed at the remarks and insights provided by these women. We will publish and share them with you monthly through our blog so that you can get to know them too!
The more we share about each other the stronger the community and support we can give one another. There are so many women living so many different experiences, and we salute them all! We hope you will join us on our journey to showcase, support and discover what the authentic women in our life think about some very contemporary topics.Real women, Real answers....
I am so honored to be able to publish my favorite women who continue to teach me and inspire me every day. Happy 2019! This month I am so happy to introduce Alyssa Fine!

Valentines Day is the perfect day to blog about this loving and beautiful young woman. Alyssa entered my life through my daughter Jenna. Both girls met, roomed together, and became very close friends at Quinnipiac University. Alyssa is one of the most supportive, kind, talented young women I know. Always thoughtful in her writing, she is a poet and creates a holiday rhyme each year that is second to none (you may be surprised how hard this actually is to do). Every gift has been chosen or created by her through the most careful and loving consideration. She is all about the details. For those parents out there this young woman is the dream teacher you want in your child's classroom or at their summer camp. Those lucky youngsters have her heart and all of her energy and special touches. She is amazing at her passion for teaching. She works so hard to make her students have the best possible experience, full of fun and always love. Alyssa is a very special person and you feel her positive and love for life energy the moment you meet her. We are so proud to have her a part of ITCOTJBXW Series this special Valentines Day.
Many of our incredible customers are working women, moms, daughters, friend and wear so many hats. We pay special tribute this First FEW months of the NEW YEAR 2019 to the younger women. I have been very lucky as I am partnered in The Jewelry Bx with two millennial women, my intern was an amazing hard working Business School Major, and many of the small businesses we encounter are run by younger women. They seem to get a bad rap at times. I am here to dispel any negative generalizations as a result of my personal experiences with these women on the move. I have never been so hopeful about the future of our communities as these women find their way and purpose into them. I am so encouraged about what is yet to be, and privileged to help and support them in any way that I can.
As more established women we have been through many experiences in our lifetime; professional and personal as we continue to move through milestones. In 2019 lets not overlook the opportunities we have to mentor, support, and communicate positively to these up and coming leaders, moms, etc. Even the smallest of gestures and acts of kindness, and always a role model all add up in life. These women are the present and future and I know we can certainly make an effort to make a positive difference in their lives.

We women currently have the spotlight- How do you think we can really support each other in this life of ours?
In my experience, women are an unstoppable, incomparable force. We need to stop accepting the idea that we can only rise to the top by beating down everyone else, when in reality the best way to succeed is by lifting each other up. We need to find the people who support us and carry them with us through all of life’s ups and downs (while remembering to give as much support as we get). Leading by example is everything, and the only way to truly ensure a new generation of strong and empowered women is to show them what that looks like.

What in your life has brought you or given you the greatest satisfaction or fulfillment?
As a kid, I had two dreams of the things I thought I would do when I grow up. The first was to become an elementary school teacher, and the second was to become the director of the sleep away camp that I began attending at the age of 10. The first dream was something I knew I could achieve through the proper schooling and training (which I did! Shout out to QU’s Teaching Program), but the second was something I figured I would accomplish much later in my life (if at all). As it turns out, the director who had been in charge of camp my whole life retired during my first year of teaching. She named me as her replacement. Leading a staff of almost 30 to care for over 100 children is a daunting task, but giving young girls the same summer camp experience that changed my life is unforgettable and humbling every time.
What woman inspires you?
My mom. She is unflappable in an emergency, makes time for everyone who needs her, and somehow has an answer for literally any question I might ask (from how to hang a floating shelf to how to bake a perfect chocolate cake to advice about my professional career). She is the most reliable and most selfless person I know, and there is not one important event in my life that she was not in the front row cheering me on for. My mom has also famously “adopted” many of my brother and my friends, and opens her home and lifelong support for anyone who needs it.

I feel most confident when...
I’m in front of a crowd. I know that that sounds like a nightmare to most people, but my chosen careers put me in the spotlight quite a bit. In my classroom, my (somewhat captive) audience holds me accountable for being accurate and interesting- a task which I am happy to complete. I think that the pressure of knowing that others are watching/ learning from what I am doing results in me doing my best (most of the time).

Change whichever corners of the world I am able to touch.
How does jewelry make you feel?
Jewelry makes me feel fancy! I tend to keep my jewelry really simple in my everyday looks, so when I wear it I really feel like a more elegant version of myself.
What is your go to?: Netflix or a good book
I love books so much, but when I’m reading I can’t focus on anything else. I find I put Netflix on in the background a lot so I can do other work at the same time. I’ve probably watched Parks and Recreation all the way through more than 5 times, Leslie Knope is my spirit animal.

How would you define your personal style?
My style could be described as colorful and unique. And comfortable! I’m an elementary school teacher so I am very much inspired by Miss Frizzle (of Magic School Bus fame). The kids all know I have a dress for every occasion and subject, and I think that my clothes give people a good idea of what kind of person I am. Most days it is very likely that I will spend most of my day sitting on the floor with the kids, so even though my outfits are loud they are usually pretty practical. In my life outside of school, I still dress pretty colorfully… just with a lot more jeans and messy buns!
What are you known for?
Being someone who is really comfortable in their own skin, and empowers others to feel the same! I’m also a pretty good baker, so I wouldn’t mind being known for my cookies!

What is your most memorable travel destination?
When I was a sophomore in college I studied abroad in Ireland for a semester. Even though living in a place makes it feel more like a home than a destination, it is one of my life’s highlights! My roommates visited during their spring break and it was a picture-perfect week!! There’s so much of the world that I still have left to see, but the Emerald Isle will always hold a special place in my heart.
1 comment
Wonderful article. Great to catch up on your life, Alyssa, I am so glad you are reaching your goals. All your hard work and effort is rewarded. Best wishes, love Grandma Carmone.