International Women's Day
March 08 2017

Be Bold For Change
March marks women’s history month where the achievements and success of women’s accomplishments are honored and the challenges that we still face are acknowledged. While “Women’s History Month” may be fairly new (created during Clinton’s Presidency) International Women’s Day has been around and celebrated for over 100 years throughout the world.
This day is set aside to celebrate a carefully created theme that will allow us a focus to support and spend our energy on, and thoughts/ideas on in the name of Woman’s Rights. Women supporting and reflecting on our needs and advancement as a group is a powerful pledge to give to each other one day a year. Here is where many of us ask HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE?
Many of us can not make dramatic changes on a large scale. Certainly 100% of us however can Be BOLD in our own life through listening, seeing, striving, and wanting to help each other aspire to our dreams no matter what they are. Real support minus the judgement, shaming, and over simplification of our own daily strife. My mother always says the world will be a more beautiful place when people learn to honorably sweep in front of their own homes. There you will see and make your greatest impact in your world. She wanted us to reach beyond our stretch to expand ourselves and our world, but she never wanted us to neglect what was right in front of us. So #BeBoldForChange, don’t walk by and look away in your world, find a way to support woman on any level of choice you are making. Make today special Be Bold- support woman-be supported!
This month in celebration of Women’s History Month we are offering our “Be Bold” Necklace at 25% OFF!
To learn more about #InternationalWomensDay Click the link below: