In the Company of the JBx Women ft. Jennifer Carmone
June 03 2018

When I was a little girl my role models were always the women in my life. I am so honored to be able to publish my favorite women who continue to teach me and inspire me every day. All women can learn from each other. This month I am so happy to introduce Jennifer Carmone, living in Massachusetts after moving over 25 years ago from Nevada. In our family we call Jennifer -Super-woman. She hates it when we call her that, but she is a high energy- get it all done darling. Jen is married (to my brother) and has two busy, amazing children Nicola (one of our supermodels)15 and Jack (Musician/rugby player in college in Denver, CO -20. Jen has a high travel career, as an accomplished Biotechnology and Medical Device Clinical Specialist; she is impassioned by her work. It is all about building strong relationships and meaningful partnerships bringing collaborative beneficial solutions to her customers. She also likes being a clinical educator, a field based trainer and mentor. Jennifer runs her 5K's, skis every weekend in the winters, and travels for fun as much as she can making many trips back and forth to the west coast to visit her parents and family of 8 siblings...Both of her children attend(ed) private schools where she volunteered and was present for all major events including a multitude of fundraisers. If you're in her presence at any of these events she is known by all and and moves through the crowd smiling and connecting with others. She has built amazing relationships there as well. Jen is a recent cancer survivor, although she rarely talks about it. That hell was a very solo journey that she endured very privately. That cancer never had a chance; she kicked its butt! I am describing a loving working wife/mom with a lot of commitments and a crazy busy schedule. Jen works hard to try and keep the family solid. Work/school, religion/philanthropy, family time/health. Jen would be the first to tell you that her life is very challenging. Jen has been recognized multiple times, at Genentech, the largest biotech company in the world, as one of their top performers. She has a sabbatical this summer. I would say enjoy the break, but who are we kidding??
We started this brand (The Jewelry Bx) to empower ourselves and other women to create and style the life they envision for themselves. We did not set out to only sell jewelry, we wanted to start a conversation with women about where are they going and what life are they leading in that jewelry? How does the jewelry make you feel? To that end we launched a monthly interview series on our JBx Blog called, In the Company of the JBx Women.
These are women we have been blessed to be connected to through business, family, or philanthropy. We are going to ask the same 10 questions in the same order to each woman. We expect amazing remarks and insights as we get to know these women a little better. We will publish and share them with you monthly through our blog….we want you to get to know them too!
The more we share about each other the stronger the community and support we can give each other. There are so many women living so many different experiences, and we salute them all! Supported strong women have no limits! Knows NO boundaries.
We hope you will join us on our journey to showcase, support and discover what the authentic women in our life think about some very contemporary topics…Real women-Real answers...
We women currently have the spotlight- How do you think we can really support each other in this life of ours?
I think we can best support each other by listening. It is really hard to know what someone is going through or what keeps them up at night or what thrills them the most or makes them laugh out loud until you listen. We never know what someone is going through unless we take the opportunity to listen.

What in your life has brought you or given you the greatest satisfaction or fulfillment?
Definitely being a mother. As much as I don’t want to see my kids grow up, I love seeing them mature, make great decisions, and experience things for the first time. Our family life has been spent supporting every one of their endeavors. I can’t tell you how many nights and weekends we have spent on ball fields (baseball, softball, soccer, rugby, lacrosse, field hockey and football) and how many days we’ve spent at different ski resorts watching practice or races. We’ve had amazing family time and great memories.
What woman inspires you?:
It’s hard to narrow it down to one. I work with so many amazingly smart and talented women. Doctors and nurses are so inspiring. The care, compassion and the brain power required to take care of people in a calm manner while they are crashing in front of you amazes me. Our hospitals are full of every day heroes.

I feel most confident when....
It’s been said before but nothing beats a great hair day and an outfit you feel comfortable in.

I aspire to…
I aspire to enjoy the ride! Sometimes life is go, go go and fast, fast, fast. I aspire to slow down and enjoy it more and if it involves family, friends, sunshine or sunsets and a glass of wine, even better!
How does jewelry make you feel?
Jewelry is like the cherry on the top of the sundae. It’s the little extra that can make jeans and a t-shirt pop, or just the right sparkle to an evening outfit or just enough to finish off a work ensemble.
What is your go to? Netflix or a good book?
Ha ha. Probably just regular television. As soon as I’m horizontal, I’m out like a light!
How would you define your personal style?
My style is probably best defined as classic. I like versatile pieces that go with different outfits. Sometimes I opt for very simple and other times a little pizzaz.
What are you known for?
I guess I’m known for lots of energy and getting things done.

What is your most memorable travel destination?
We’ve been blessed to have taken so many great trips. One of our best, was our first trip to Europe. We went skiing in Cortina for a couple of days then spent a couple of days in Venice. It started with a frightfully fast and very windy drive up the Alps by a driver with a really tiny car. We then skied for a couple of days while meeting the most amazing people and eating the best food! We’d sit out for lunch soaking up the sun, eating pasta and drinking wine, then hit the slopes for a couple more hours. We always make it a point to get away from touristy places and go where the locals go. We ate in a restaurant where we seriously were the outsiders and could barely understand anything on the menu. The locals were so gracious. We pointed to something, food and wine were delivered and all was good. People came up to our table and we tried our best to communicate. They had limited English, we definitely had limited Italian. One night while walking in Venice, we were invited by some local university students to sit at their outside table and do shots to help them celebrate their graduation. We had so much fun. They asked us all sorts of crazy questions and seriously wanted to know if we knew Ozzie Osbourne.