Welcome to The Jewelry Bx fashion blog, where we dive into all things chic, stylish, and sparkly!
Join us as we explore the latest trends, share fashion tips, and uncover the secrets to accessorizing like a pro.

Summer Style Inspiration
Keep readingThree Hot Summer Looks
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One Dress, Jeweled Three Ways!
July 28 2016
Your jewelry sets the tone and attitude of your outfits. The chicest accessories added to your favorite look can make you go from drab to fab this summer. One of the most important factors for us in picking out accessories is the ability for them to be worn a number of ways with a number of different looks. They are...
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On Trend: The Long Layered Necklace
July 20 2016
Jewelry lovers everywhere have named the long necklace a favorite style trend. Whether it is a pendant or a multi-layered piece, this is where versatility in style takes flight. The long necklace is effortless to wear and consistently showing up all summer long. From the runways to the streets, women are layering up or are dropping incredible objects at the...
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From Like to Love
July 13 2016
We love how easy and casual, summer feels. Life always seems to go a little faster, our energy a bit higher in the summer as we try to squeeze as many good times in as possible. Being short on time is never a good excuse to short change your personal style. We continue to say it isn’t about the amazing...
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The 6 Looks for a Summer of Glam
July 08 2016
This summer we are RSVPing "YES" to all themed parties. What better excuse to look gorgeous this season? Feel and look fabulous in these summer party inspired looks! Mid-Summer Night’s Dinner Party Playful and romantic prints put you on the best dressed list for this whimsical night. Shop the Look: "After Midnight" Necklace, "What a Gem" Bracelet LBD...
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Favorite Fourth of July Looks!
June 30 2016
The fourth of July evokes some of our best memories. The first big event since school let out for summer. Who doesn’t love a long holiday weekend in the summer? Independence Day seems to hit right when the summer is kicking into high gear. What events do you say yes to and what will you wear? This weekend is all...
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In a New York Minute
June 24 2016
Where do The Jewelry Bx fashionistas go to get fresh air and inspiration in the summer? NYC of course! That’s right we invaded NYC this week for a sneak peek at the Fall fashions. Midtown Manhattan was the perfect “Tuesday Field Trip” day to get our Street Style fill! Although we have the same chain stores back home, NYC stores...
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1 Necklace-->3 Looks
June 17 2016
Have you ever bought a blouse, a belt, or a necklace on an impassioned whim? It was midnight on a Wednesday and you hit the submit button at checkout and boom you were the proud owner of the lime green polka dot blouse with the pirate sleeves. A month ago you were at the crowded mall with your friends...
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A Berry Fun Day At The Farm!
June 14 2016
Connecting and learning about local small businesses is a priority for us at The Jewelry Bx. Relating to their stories and products inspires us and makes us very proud as a community to bring together our very best for you! It’s hard to believe that I have never been strawberry picking, but I haven’t. This week we opted for some much needed fresh...
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Our Favorite "White T and Jeans" Looks
June 10 2016
I know all of us have worn at one point in our life our favorite jeans and a white “T” shirt. It has been our go to outfit more often that we can count. We have had a love affair of that coupling for over a 150 years. A Bit Of History The name “Jean” was named after the...
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Making A Statement!
June 08 2016
For many of us we think achieving a fashion look is about dropping a large amount of money to secure the hottest trends. At The Jewelry Bx we believe it is more about learning how to style yourself; incorporating your own wardrobe that will help you to achieve your best look today and every day. The difficulty comes in knowing...
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Memorial Day Weekend- Kickoff to Summer!
May 31 2016
Who doesn’t love a long holiday weekend to kick off summer? The iffy New England weather is always a variable, but rain or shine we are up for going out. There are always last minute plans and we are determined to fit it all in; we can rest at our desk on Tuesday . Parade - Beach - Cookout - Repeat....
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Waiting on the Weekend!
May 27 2016
The official kick off to summer for many is Memorial Day weekend. This American holiday honors men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military. It was first known as Decoration Day that originated around the civil war time. In addition to memorializing our true military heroes, many Americans spend the weekend participating in parades, ceremonies, putting...
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Feeling Artsy
May 24 2016
We truly love each piece of jewelry we select for our customers. We examine each piece from all angles, always looking for ways to style it. In art history the same is true. We were inspired this week to make our “Tuesday Field Trip Day” to the Isabella Gardner Museum in Boston, MA. Formalism is the study of art...
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A Little Shopping Never Hurt Nobody
May 18 2016
If the truth be told, we get so fired up wearing and styling our jewelry we of course need to buy more clothes so we can buy more jewelry. It’s the circle of our life we are thrilled to repeat. In the Friday weekly recap meeting it was unanimous that “Tuesday Field Trip Day” was going to be a retail...
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Day Trip to Wicked Tulip Farm!
May 10 2016
Anyone that has started their own business knows that you really live your life off of the 24 hour clock. You need every hour and even more some days to keep it all going for an online business. Working until midnight on spreadsheets or rolling over at 4:30 in the morning with a “great idea” you have to capture on...
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